Monday, June 14, 2010

Healthy Full, Regular Full, Greasy Full

I have to add, last night, was hard but not hard.. passing by the smell of "sew app" roasted duck when you're done eating dinner makes you want to steal a piece and eat it. Especially after you're done exercising... you wanna eat. So instead, I drank metamucil... it made me full.. but there's a difference between healthy full, regular eating full and greasy full.

healthy full.. is by far the worst. i mean, greasy full is literally the worst but you don't care about it when you're healthy full.

for healthy full, you don't have much fat or whatever it is.. i swear its the less oil intake. you feeel like you have to eat something.. but you know you're full.. but you want something!! what the hell, not sure if anyone understands...

greasy full.. well, oh my. you feel like shit. you're full, and you can't breathe.. your stomach just knows you ate a lot of greasy food and its horrid.

regular full.. you don't want healthy food.. kinda crave greasy food.. butyou're fine.

i was literally in healthy full.. and wanted that piece(s) of meat to eat.

after taking my first dose of emtamucil... i felt full.. but that fullness was like "bloating".. the kind you get during/before period type of bloat.

after urinating 2 times after taking metamucil, i felt hungry again.. or at least i wanted to eat again!!! so another metamucil. and that lasted me the whoel night till 1 am... after the 2nd dose.. a lot of tea and water.. which defines a lot of peeing.. but whatever.

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